Tuesday, January 31, 2012


It just doesn't stop.kinda like reality tv.... There is nothing this family of pigs would not not do for money. Now this trio of douchebag trash are now posing semi nude to sell there brand of jeans at Sears.fuckin sears can you believe this i thought you bought tires at sears not jeans... These three sluts couldn't cut a deal with Lord & Taylor,macys,saks jc penny ? Who the fuck shops at Sears other then for tires and car batteries and power saws? So this is what Sears does to try and capture some business. Now I won't even go into sears to buy a Craftsman tool. The only way I want to see these girls naked is in a porno film with a train of guys bangin the balls off these whores and then clubbing them like a fucking seal not when i walk in to a store to buy a tree trimmer. Enough already, I am begging you. Do you really think these botox injected, boob job sisters are attractive? They should have a cut a deal with Russell Simmons because they seem to really really really like black dick so much. At least they would be going after their target audience. This really gives new meaning to over exposed. What a bunch of hairbag sluts. Their parents are just two pimps and their three daughters are the prostitutes. Great role models.

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