Tuesday, January 24, 2012


President ( pant load ) Obama will give his State of the Union spiel tonight. This speech will contain so much bull shit you will think you were in Pomplona Spain. ( Get it ...the running of the the bullshit) His head will move from left to right and right to left as he reads from his TelePrompTer. ( what an boooob ). You will see his mouth move but your ears won't believe what they are hearing. He will tell us he brought the war in Iraq to an end, he captured Osama Bin Laden, completely wiped out our bank accounts ( he may omit that...maybe ), unemployment is going down ( yeah, down the tubes ), universal health care is really and truly the way to go ( don't tell the AMA that ) and the moon is made of cream cheese and he accomplished this before a round of golf, a game of basketball while smoking a Newport ( Get it ).. He will ask for another 4 years to finish what he started. ( Finish fleecing this country) all the while his V.P. Joe ( Hair Plugs with no clue) Biden will be jumping up and down like a Jack in the Box. Look up the word clueless in the dictionary and you will see his picture. This plagiarizing douche bags claim to fame is being a Senator from Delaware. I repeat from Delaware. Do we really need representation from Delaware. This state is so bad that Jersey won't even dump their garbage there. If you farted while driving you would miss the sign that said you are now leaving Delaware. I guess when you are sitting in a nursing home it sounds good when you say " I was the Senator from Delaware" Do you know me! I'm Joe Biden as the nurse wipes the shit off his ass. Calling him a Douche Bag is an insult to Douche Bags. The camera will then pan to our elected officials. ( you talk about a pile of shit ) so many shit heads in one room is truly a picture to behold. Half of them sleeping, a quarter of them drooling on themselves, an eighth of them for Obama and his social programs and the remaining eighth counting all the money they stole from us. What a bunch of pricks. Be prepared for catch phrases such as " Smaller Government", "Save Social Security", Medicare is going broke", " Lock Box" these and other words will make you bend down grab your ankles and make an attempt to kiss your ass goodbye. DOES ANYBODY GIVE A SHIT GINGRICH 2012

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