Dear America, Stop Being a Pussy!!!
is a country in the middle east called Iran. Yes this is one of those
countries with lots of sand, lots of people that smell and people
walking around in robes like it is 200 B.C.
The country is run by a
religious fanatic called an Ayatollah. ( I had one of those but the
wheels fell off ) . You ask, what is an Ayatollah? It is an old man with
a beard, wearing a toga or something of that nature
who believes woman should be raped, stoned, murdered and abused, that
Islam is the only religion and we are infadels and men should smell.
This piece of shit gives orders to a president. This guy is the same
prick who led the hostage crisis in the 70's when Jimmy the pant load
Carter was president. I believe his name is, Igotadickinmyhand.
are now entering the next crisis with the Iranians. Igotadickinmyhand is
threatening to block the Strait of Hormuz. Doesn't he know we will turn
the Iranian Navy into sunken treasure. Go ahead block the Straits and
your next navy will have glass bottoms so they can see the old Iranian
navy. Why do we let these douche bags push us around. The only thing
that is going to be blocked is the mausoleum he is going to be buried
in. Why are we so afraid to flex our military might? Are we afraid the
Chinese won't ship over any more wonton soup, that the Russians might
hurl a molotov cocktail, what the fuc is going on? I don't mind spending
trillions and trillions on the miltitary but sometimes you got to use
what your spending trilllions on. I got an idea. Why not send the U S S
Ronald Reagan into the straits fully loaded with every F-22 Raptor we
built and turn Iran into something suitable so Trump can build casinos
and golf courses for the Saudis.
Isreal, listen to me. Obama isn't going
to stop the Iranians from enriching uranium. They are not building
nuclear plants to generate electric for their people. they are building
nuclear weapons to finish what Hiler started. WAKE UP. So here is my
suggestion. All the F-18's we sent you, fire them up, gets the tanks
rolling and start heading towards Iran. When Obama is told by the unions
that a war with Iran is good for the economy he will back you. What
ever happened to men. Where are the men who had balls, Churchill,
Roosevelt, Reagan.
What are we turning into? We are the most powerful country in the world. WTF
Oh yeah Sempre Fi
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