Monday, January 16, 2012


Republican candidate for President, John Huntsman dropped out of the race today. First of all does anybody know who John Huntsman is. I will tell you. He is a former Gov. of Utah. Yes, the great state of Utah. Do you know where Utah is? It is stuck between Colorado and Nevada. Utah now theres a happening place. A mountain, 1 ski trail, 2 steer, lots of mormons and dirt. This guy has the personality of a fuckin egg crate or a limp dick take your pick. We don't even want Utah as part of the United States ( this also includes Idaho ) This land locked shit hole where only mormons would want to reside. He couldn't run a race worthy of the America people he stated. Maybe if he drove around in a Toyota, wearing clothes made in Sri Lanka, signing autographs with a pen made in China and spoke Spanish he would bond with the American people. What a beauty and you think Romney has no personality. This guy couldn't raise enough cash to run a lemonade stand on the corner of 5th ave. He was runing on a platform of 2 cars in every garage and a chicken in every pot or something like that. It could have been driving to a car while smoking pot I don't remember because I was high. So one more loser drops out. Now that leaves us with a guy named Newt, an old man named Ron Paul ( He is Dillusional ), an Italian from Pennsylvania, a putz from Texas, and a guy whose parents named him Mitt. I guess it could be worse, his name could have been Glove Romney or polo pony romney or igotgreathair romney Well one less guy that would never have beaten you know who. You know the guy thats married to the woman with piano key teeth, Yeah Yeah what's his name oh yeah Obama

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