Friday, January 13, 2012


Did you realize we have another under achieving team that plays in New York. The N.Y. Knicks. They rank right up there with the Mets and the Jets. They might even be worse than the those two put together. The Knicks are owned by a douche bag and his name is Dolan. He also comes from a breeding of douche bags. You are correct, his father is Charlie Dolan. He is the beauty thats owns Cablevision and Newsday. There can't possibly be two worse corporations in America.  . This fat pant load of a son couldn't run a ship aground. The only thing good about this team is that when they play crime goes down in New York.   Jr has also made some great coaching moves. How about that Isiah Thomas ? and isnt D'Antoni doing a great job? Listen when you can't beat a team called the Grizzlies its time to fold up the chairs and go home. Just leave that stupid looking hit the ugly tree pant load Spike Lee strapped onto a chair with a car battery hooked up to his genitals. This team is a mess. If they weren't playing for the Knicks they would be stealing hub caps off cars in Newark. I was told when they go to cash their checks at the bank they wear masks because they are actually stealing from their own team. Whatever happened to great coaches like Red Holzman. One of the Top Ten all time NBA coaches. We get a D'Antoni. What is it with New York hiring all these guidos.
Even Pat Riley thought he was a guido until he went to Miami and became a cuban. Aren't there any great coaches that want to come to New York and stir things up. Listen, even though the Garden is a shit hole and still is after it was renovated. Did you know it was renovated? Check out the bathrooms they installed new toliet paper holders even though there is no toilet paper on them. I don't know what smells worse. Penn Station or the Garden. I think its the smell from the Garden wafting into Penn Station. Do people actually watch basketball? You gotta be a shutin or a mental patient with nothing better to do with your life. I can actually picture a Knick fan sitting in a one room rental with a 25 watt bulb hanging from the ceiling, in a recliner a homeless person wouldn't sit in, drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon with his Joe Boxer shorts with the yellow stains in the front and brown in the back. I dsave you the time the Grizzlies are 4 and 6. A team that hails from Memphis. DEAR GOD HELP US

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