Friday, January 13, 2012

Who the Fuck is Greg McElroy?!?!?!

What possesses a 4th string quarterback, do you hear me a 4th string quarterback to shoot of his mouth and call the Jets " selfish & corrupt."
There is a reason you are a fourth string quarterback. The reason is you suck. Not even a third string quarterback. The word "corrupt" is a powerful word.
What exactly does he mean by that. Is the 4th string quarterback even privy to what goes on in the locker room? Is the 4th string quarterback even allowed in the locker room ?
His parents must be so proud. Yup that's my boy he is a 4th string quarterback for the corrupt N.Y. Jets. What a douche. Where does this douches career go after this.
Is there such a thing as a 5th string quarterback. Is the XFL back in action? Listen the Jets have to do two things. First fire Chubby Checker look alike Rex Ryan. He shot off his big mouth and didn't produce. 2nd get rid of Fireman Ed. Yeah this is the douche bag that wears the fireman's hat in the shape of a Jet then at 90 years old climbs on his brothers shoulders and screams J-E-T-S, J-E-T-S what a moron. He isn't a fan he is a nuisance. I'm surprised he can spell J-E-T-S. What some people won't do for attention at a stadium filled with 80,000 people
So much to look forward to next season. After year of under achieving.

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