Hey Casey - GTFO!!!!
I suggest if you have kids in the room you ask them to kindly leave. You do not want them to read this rant.
Casey Anthony, yes the same Casey Anthony that did not murdered her
baby daughter"ya right" and threw her away like a piece of trash.
the same Casey Anthony that beat the judicial system because of a bunch
of beer guzzling, gravy stained rednecks. You know that crowd. Driving
their Ford F-150's with the gun rack
and confederate flags on the antenna. I guess there wasn't enough
evidence. Not enough fuckin evidence? She reports the kid was abducted
by the baby sitter ( this piece of shit couldn't afford a baby sitter )
and reports it weeks after the fact. Her car smells like a dead body (
there's a fuckin clue ) and material the kid was found in was stolen out
of the garage where her parent lived. ( Duh ). Well you can't change
the past and can't retry this hair ball for murder but enough is enough
Hey Casey, after you beat the system why not slink
off to wherever garbage like you is suppose to slink off to. Don't worry
after your gone from this earth there is a special place for you. Hell
yeah. You won't be visiting your daughter in heaven that's for sure. What
is it about people who get away with murder ( I will name a few ) Casey
Anthony, O.J. Simpson, Brian Peterson, that they have the audacity to
remain in the eye of the public and continue to shove it up our ass. She
has the nerve to release a Video Diary on YouTube.
I will not watch
and can't imagine it contains anything good. Somebody watch it and tell
me if she confesses to murder. I know there is a God and I wish I knew
what he had in store for dear old Casey. I know it won't be good because
my God is a vengeful God. WE ARE BEGGING YOU CASEY GO THE FUCK AWAY...
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