Thursday, January 19, 2012


Have you heard the latest news? Rick Perry ( another guy with 2 first names ) drops out of the Presidential Race. Well one good thing, America is better off that he did. Did you know who Rick Perry was? Well guess what, why do you thinK he dropped out of the race, thats right you can come to the next Mensa Meeting nobody who knew who this putz was. So let me fill you in. He is a former Governor of Texas. Have you ever visited this shit hole of a state. OMG I would rather live in New Orleans that's how bad it is. Yes the Lone Star State. Lone Star is a correct term because if it was rated more than one star they would be lying. Texas claim to fame is being next to ( you guessed it ) Mexico. This is the state where they do everything big. Do you know why? because they are a bunch of big dicks. The oil and cattle rich Texans keep pushing these assholes' on us like I really need another asshole.This beauty makes Georgie Bush look like an Einstein. Listen if you can't convince the people of South Carolina your an ass hole then you made the right decision. This bunch of rifle toting, Pabst Blue Ribbon drinking, gravy stained tee shirt wearing, Confederate Flag waving douche bags are his voting base. Did you know that South Carolina is called the Palmetto State. Do you know what a Palmetto is? It is a huge flying roach. No stupid not the kind you smoke. Rick when you entered the race you started out right at the top of the Presidential pile, then you opened your mouth and became part of a pile of shit. Listen some notable douche bags come from Texas. LBJ, George Bush, Ann Richards,jerry jones, jerry jones jerry jones oo did i say that again and you. The only reason to be in Texas would be to drive through so you can get to New Mexico. Texas now joins Utah and Idaho on the list of states we don't want as part of The United States. Dear God please help us, this dolt couldn't even name the three agencies of government. So now Ricky joins John Huntsman soon to be followed by Ron Paul ( he is the other guy with 2 first names ) then Rick ( I should have been aborted Santorum ) and the finishing touch Newton Gingrich. Well that leaves us with Mitt Romney. One good thing about Mitt he ain't from Texas. I know one thing for sure it would be better than what we got now.

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