Friday, January 13, 2012


The fans and players jumped off the Sanchez ship faster than a Cuban on an inner tube. The team is fed up with 'LAZY' Sanchez. Isn't that an ethnic slur. Didn't he bring us to the championship playoff game twice. I got an idea, why not hire some receivers that can actually catch the fuckin ball. What did Tannenbaum and Ryan see in this pant load. They took a page out of the Met hiring book and went for the latin fan base. How many latins does it take to throw a football? One. Because there are no other latin quarterbacks. Listen fix the issues with this kid and fire Shittenheimer which i think they just did thank goodness. His father sucked and he sucks.While we are handing out pink slips get rid of that Dom Delouise look alike Rex Ryan. His father sucked, his brother sucks and he sucks. It is just one long line of suck. Peyton Manning, Peyton Manning he we go again. Going after legendary quarterbacks after the legend is gone. Is Doug Flutie available?, Terry Bradshaw is on weight watchers with Dan Marino do they want to make a come back. Maybe Theisman is available after he takes his prostrate supplements. Maybe Favre is tired of doing Wrangler commercials. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Lets stop the bullshit. Manning is shot. He plays in a climate controlled stadium. Do you think he is stupid enough to play here. The only part of Jersey he wants to see is when the jet he is in flys over at 30,000 feet. Maybe fireman ( The Douche Bag ) Ed wants to take a crack at it. Maybe if New Orleans gets wiped out by a major hurricane Drew Brees would want to come here. Christ Almighty stop the friggin madness. Oh yeah and by the way who hires a player named Plaxico. Woody, I think your sniffing to much of the shitty products you make.

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