Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I have two questions before I delve into the lecture Obama gave last night. 1st Question:: When was the last time you saw so many old fuckers in one room other then the sunshine rest home 2nd Question:: How do I get the 76 minutes of my life back that I wasted watching this beauty. It was quite a lecture the President gave last night. He brags about our military ( The Republicans made sure of that ), he brags about killing and caputring Osama Bin Towel Head, He brags about bringing the war to an end in Iraq and troop withdrawal from Igotadickinmyhand. And in this regard he was right. After that part of the speech I thought I was listening to old tapes of a Stalin speech. How government must watch over all us, yes thats right ALL of us. They must help create jobs ( that isn't ever going to happen ), they must take care of the unemployed, help with your college education, pay your medical, pay your presciption bills, refinance the house you couldn't afford and shouldn't have gotten in ther first place, bail out the car companies ( except Ford ), watch over the Banks and Wall Street, help the down trodden, and on and on and on.NOW If this guy isn't a Socialist then Moscow isn't a City in Russia. He claims that 8 million jobs were lost between his administration and Georgie Bush and that 3 million new jobs have been created while he has been in office. Well I am no fuckin CPA or a Mathematician but that leaves 5 million people still looking for work you boooob. After 3 years your still blaming George Bush? He claimed that bailing out the car companies saved thousands of jobs. He included Ford Motor Co. Again he was wrong. Ford didn't take one red cent from the U.S. Government and they were the only car company the union thugs were allowed to strike. That was the payback Ford got. Yes he is correct General Motors or now referred to as Government Motors returned to the top spot as the #1 car mfg. Yup they got there on the backs of the taxpaying American people and are building cars I wouldn't put a crash dummy in. Do you know where they sell most of their cars? China, thats right fuckin China, only the chinks would drive the garbage their building and trust me the chinese drive like total shit...those fuckers crash shopping carts into me i have been on the end of it. Now onto class warfare. Is there some law I am unaware of that being rich is a crime? Did the rich and large corporations write the tax laws? Isn't this a country where you can be anything you strive to be? If you make a million dollars a year you are considered filthy rich and subject to paying higher taxes than anyone else. Hey Obama your pals at G.E. don't pay any taxes. You are the biggest phoney in Washington. I could go on and on but I will finish with our elected officials. The jobs you have were created so a Senator was elected every 6 years and a Congressman was elected every 2 years. This wasn't created to be a career position. So many old farts getting re-elected cycle after cycle. Whats wrong with this country? Why do the people elect the same idiots that got us where we are today. McCain, Schumer, McConnell, Kerry, Pelosi, Reid and the list of names could go on and on. Old fools with the same tired old ideas. You got rich and made careers off the backs of the American people. Shame on you and shame on the people who keep re-electing you. Obama take the 4 years you were given and get out . Ponder this:: What ever happened to the Tea Party movement? Gingrich 2012

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