Friday, January 13, 2012

Who the Fuck are we Voting For?!?!?!

Well I guess we better get ready for another ( 4 ) years of you know who. That is correct the human teleprompter Barack Obama. Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucus by 8 votes over a nobody named Rick Santorum. Yes the same Ricky that comes from the place where Cheese Steaks are famous. You ever eat a Philly Cheese Steak. What crap. Lowest quality beef served with some type of cheese Kraft wouldn't even sell served on a stale hero bread. Yeah this douche is going to be President. Then we have Mitt Romney. Lets start with this guys parents. Who names their kid Mitt? the same people who came up with Plaxico. Is there a book of baby names I am not aware of.
This guy has got hair that hair I'm jealous of. The same Mitt who brought state sponsored health care to Massachusetts before Obama became a union thug. Mitt, listen to me. Your father wasn't president and your not going to be either. This guy comes from the same state that has Fenway Park.such a great stadium and this guy is an absolute booooooob The third place finisher is a guy with two first names, Ron Paul. Did the aliens land and nobody told us. This guy is from Texas but arrived there in a space ship. Just what we need a cranky old man with his arthritic finger on the button. What can you say about Texas. Let me start. It has the Alamo, thats good, It has the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, thats good, It has George Bush, you decide, It has all the Katrina criminals living in Houston, ( That city is doomed ) and another bungling fool, Rick Perry. What a pantload. He couldn't even beat a guy name Newt. So we hope the Mayans are correct and there will be no swearing in a new President in 2013.

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