Friday, January 13, 2012


Have you ever wondered who the real talent was in the Beatles? Was it Paul. God no he couldn't hit a high C unless he was drinking a Hi-C. Was it Ringo. God no He was placed way in the back because not only couldn't he sing he was no Buddy Greco. Was it George. God no have you ever listened to the shit he recorded after the Beatles. Well that leaves John. Lets just say his taste in woman was only exceeded by his choice of music. Imagine, this went down was one of his finest moments. Yeah I can imagine if that piece of trash was never recorded what a waste of perfectly good vinyl. Lets see some of the garbage they recorded. Help, I Wanna hold your hand, Yellow Submarine, Lady Madonna, not ( THE MADONNA ) some of the other shit they recorded eludes me at the this time. Thank God.

Now that brings us to the Christmas Show at Westbury. Kenny Rogers of I just checked in to see what condition my condition was in fame. He will perform his Christmas Mummified Act 2011 at Westbury again this year. How many face lifts can you get before you are unable to blink. This guys looks like one of his Kenny Rogers Roasted Chickens. Jesus Christ enough is enough already. I would rather shove ground glass under my finger nails. It is time for The Gambler to check into the home and tell everybody how famous he was and tell the nurses, don't you know who I am? I'm Kenny Rogers remember me.

I thought all these has beens performed in Branson, MO. when they hit 70. Just a reminder in case your a Barry Manilow fan that he will be performing at Radio City so get your tickets early. Does anybody know where Neil Diamond will be performing his Hanukkah show, Dreidel, Dreidel is one of my old time favorites and I love when he closes with Sweet Caroline. OMG

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