Friday, January 13, 2012


I have a friend ( I won't mention his name )'fuckin me"  that purchased a  motorcar. This vehicle is called the Porsche Panamera Recall.
I couldn't understand why Porsche would come up with such a name. But to my surprise I found out this car has had more recalls then a telephone.  While the car looks very nice parked in his driveway ( when it is in his possession )"fuckin me" it looks even nicer at the dealership up on a lift with a mechanic working on it with some expensive tool that can only be purchased in Berlin Germany. Now comes the part that leaves a gapng hole in his rectum."fuckin me" The loner car is not a Porsche, it is not an Audi, it is not a BMW, would you believe it even isn't a Mercedes. No, it is a KIA . A fucking KIA.They had the nerve to give him"fuckin me" a fucking KIA . This luxury automobile comes fully equiped with cloth interior, manual windows and a radio that only a Korean would know how to operate. The road noise is so deafening that you have to wear earplugs ( which is illegal ) in New York State but apparently isn't in Korea. Would you believe he has to kick the empty beer cans under the seat everytime he comes to a stop. This car is so dirty somebody had the nerve to leave a gift certificate to a car wash under the wiper blades. Now comes the most frustrating part. They gave him an appointment"fuckin me" to bring the car in for service . This was the day Hanz was flying in from Essen Germany to make the necessary repairs. Unfortunately, Hanz missed his connection and will not be in to service the car until tomorrow. How does this poor man "fuckin me"explain  that one, this KIA piece of shit isn't his and two, no he hasn't fallen on his head, or third, worse yet the Panamera did not explode. My suggestion would be to get a magic marker and write on the rear window " THIS IS A LONER CAR"
People have the nerve to belittle the American Car Companies? At least we know we are buying a piece of crap as soon as we walk through the showroom door.

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