WALMART was not permitted to open any stores in India. Would you believe
protestors disrupted Parliament for days arguing that a foreign firm
could kill jobs and hurt mom and pop stores over there. ARE THEY
FUCKING KIDDING ME. This is the same country we outsource all our
Banking, Credit Card, and telemarketing business and these towel heads
think WALMART is going to kill jobs. America does nothing but create jobs for these dirt eating douche bags. What they are truly afraid of is the following.
1) Soap cheap enough for them to buy
2) Deodorant cheap enough so they don't stink like the ox they rode into town on.
3) Sari's ON SALE AISLE 10
4) Curry ON SALE AISLE 14
5) Mud for their huts ON SALE AISLE 11
6) Straw brooms ON SALE AISLE 9
Kill jobs over there? There are no fucking jobs over there. Thats why they are all here
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