Monday, May 7, 2012


What a shocker, out of the top 20 Fortune 500 Companies 4 of them are oil companies. Exxon, Chevron, Conoco Phillips and Valero. I guess profits are up because of all the fuel efficient cars people are buying, NOT. What is a bigger shocker is the fact that Bershire Hathaway was 7th. Now theres a stock you and I can buy. Warren Buffet is one napkin away from drooling on himself. This guy is more left than a Nascar Racetrack. Warren it is time to get the fuck out. Hey, even a few companies we bailed out with our money are in the top 20. Government Motors, Citicorp, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Fannie Mae. Nice to see that these scumbags who stole our money are still in the Fortune 500 with some enjoying record profits. I didn't mind that they stole the money but I do mind that they refuse to lend any of the money they stole and people are willing to pay the prevailing insane rate. You can get money from a loanshark easier than you can from a U.S. bank. I guess the banks learned that you couldn't give a 500,000 dollar mortgage to somebody making 800 dollars a month. What a bunch of fucking rocket scientists. Even better then bundling these mortgages and then betting they wouldn't be paid back. Can anyone say bend over. Vice President Hair Plugs is okay with gay marriage. It's time for the plagiarizing pant load to go back to that shit state of Delaware. The best thing about Delaware is the sign that reads YOU ARE NOW LEAVING DELAWARE. Here is some good news, Fahd al-Quso the mastermind in the bombing of the USS Cole was dispatched from the face of the earth. He will now be rewarded with those 17 ugly muslim virgins. Hopefully his dick was blown off when he was dispatched. Somebody in Yemen hit lotto because there was a 5 million dollar reward on this guys now missing head. The people in Greece continue to to pissed off at their government because they can no longer retiire at age 40 and can no longer work only 3 days a week. Just remember when you go to pull the lever in November only 63% of the American work force is employed, but unemployment is only 8.1% I guess I'm no math major but there seems to be something wrong here.

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