Tuesday, February 21, 2012


The President of Iran, Igotadickinmyhand is ramping up the rhetoric so Isreal is preparing to turn Iran into the next Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Only this new Williamsburg will have golf courses and apartments built by Trump. Listen to me Isreal, and don't listen to the pant loads in the White House or those British fags we bailed out in WWII. Just start carpet bombing and start today. Your first two targets should be Igotyadickinmymind and the Ayatollah. These two punks are terrorist and deserve the same fate as the leaders of Al Qeada. What are you waiting for? They intend to finish what Nazi Germany started. Are you waiting for permission from our dumbo earred, basketball dribbling, chicken shit? You will be toast by then. What don't you understand when Igotadickinmyhand says he intends to wipe Isreal off the face of the earth. It time for shock and oh vay. Your attack will be called the 15 minute war, because it will take about 15 minutes for these douche bags to thrown down their arms. Don't you remeber they were at war with Iraq for 8 years? Wow there was a powerful army, The Iraqis had 2, T-72 Russian tanks, 4 hand guns and one WWII cannon and Iran couldn't beat them. I think it ended in a truce when both sides got sand in their vaginas. BOMBS AWAY. I leave you with this:: During the war years , Iran was a haven for Gestapo agents and German operatives. In Tehran's marketplace it was common to see signs the declared " In heaven, Allah is your master. On earth, it is Adolf Hitler. Jesus Christ what are we waiting for. A waste of a carbon foot print was laid to rest this weekend. Do I have to mention a name? This coke whore now leaves a daughter who was hold up in a hotel room Saturday night getting high. Can anybody tell me why she was honored the way she was? Isn't illegal drug use ILLEGAL. Okay she had a great voice did a great rendition of The National Anthem, and? and? and then what. This family is so fucked up Aretha Elephantitis Franklin didn't attend the funeral, she cited leg spasms as the reason. I won't even go there its just too easy. So whose funeral will be next Aretha's or Bobbi's, my money is on Bobbi. How about those comedians at ESPN. I think they forgot they work for ESPN and not Comedy Central. What a great line by ESPN editor Anthony Federico on Jeremy Lin. His headline was and I quote " Chink in the Armor". Guess what happened to this leftist douche bag. HE GOT FIRED. Maybe he can get a job at a Chinese restaurant serving won ton soup. What a stupid prick. I guess they didn't teach this stupid prick political correctness at the liberal college he attended. Hats off to the NYPD's Elite A Team. This elite group hunt down the cities scum bags. In 2011, they handled 89 cases and all but one was in custody. That's a 99% clearance rate. Ray Kelly for Mayor, this guy is the real deal. He is sending a strong message to all the cretons, move to New Orleans or Houston with the rest of the garbage. There isn't a bigger shit hole than these two places except for Miami.

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