Monday, August 12, 2013


Omega K is a fish oil supplement alledged to reduce the chance of a heart attack. Yeah sure, if the heart attack doesn't kill you then taking this crap will. 1 in 3 people die from Heart Disease. DUH, So, less people on Obamacare. If your heart is that fucked up, a transplant won't even help you. So just grab a cigarette after you finish eating your Big Mac that you just washed down with a super sized chocolate shake and just get the fuck out. This shit product boasts no fishy after taste, EVER. Well guess again, I took one and after 15 minutes thought I swallowed a fucking tuna. I called the manufacturer and they told me this does happen to some people. What happened to it will never leave a fishy taste I asked. They told me to stick it in the freezer and this should solve the problem, HUH, WHAT, DUH. If this shit is suppose to be frozen then why isn't sold that way? So I told them where to stick it and stuck mine in the garbage. Now I am left feeling like I got fucked, and for the 135 bucks I wasted on this shit I could have gotten fucked. Did you know the Yankees have a white guy on the team, yeah Im not kidding his name is Brett Gardner. He must be one lonely guy in the locker room, on second thought with a name like Brett I don't think so. ( Do I have to explain ) There will be Angels at Yankee Stadium tonight, no stupid not those angels. Maybe Mo Rivera can blow another save. Fuck you Mo, go sell another Acura.

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