Monday, August 19, 2013


Lindsey Lohan claims in an interview with Oprah who buys 30,000 dollar handbags that she used cocaine on 10 to 15 times. Huh, Duh, What? Now was that 10-15 times a fuckin day or just 10-15 times. Who the fuck is she kidding, this broad is still in total fucking denial. Lindsey do us all a favor go into your closet and look for something to hang up., hopefully it will be you.... Yankee GM and sexual deviant Brian ( I bang wierd chicks ) Cashman is calling A-Rod a liar. Coming from this piece of shit thats a compliment. A-Rod has hired top notch lawyer Joe Tacopina, when this guy gets through with the Yankees and MLB it will be strike three for both..... Hey Jet fans how did the game against the Jaguars make you feel. Another long season for us and guess what, the Super Bowl is at MetLifeless Stadium, Guess who won't be in the Super Bowl, thats correct. Sanchez, just get the fuck out and take that Jose Reyes looking Geno Smith with you. Not to worry its only a pre season game. When the regular season starts it will only get worse.... Say it ain't so. The fucking muslims are planning a million man muslim march on guess what day, thats right you fucking genius on 9-11. One million terrorists marching in Washington on 9-11. Do we have enough drones to take these mother fuckers out. Is it me or has the world spun off its axis. These allah fucking duece bags should march off a fucking cliff. I got 3,000 reasons why it better not happen. You don't know what the 3,000 reasons are? I can't believe your that stupid. NEVER FORGET.

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