Monday, July 8, 2013


Did you hear that Elliot Spitzer wants to run for controller of New York City. REALLY!!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.... Who will be his assistant Ashley Dupre. ( Do I have to explain ). Another sexual deviant seeking elected office after being disgraced. I guess he thinks he can fuck all of us. Like Anthony Weiner these people have no shame. This is what the Democratic Party in New York has to offer the public. Why not throw in some serial killers to really make it interesting.... I couldn't believe it when I heard a plane crashed in San Francisco and one person who survived the crash was killed when she was hit by an emergency service vehicle. WHAT UP with that. I thought these people were suppose to save people NOT FUCKING RUN THEM DOWN. Listen if your running down the tarmac, in tattered clothes, your hair is on fire and your missing a shoe screaming help me help me I guess you make a good target.... A Baltimore Ravens cheerleader was killed in a motorcycle accident. Here is the good news, Ray Lewis wasn't the driver. A Hotel collapsed in India, only twelve people were killed? this is very disappointing news. Andy Murray is the first englishman since 1936 to win the mens singles at Wimbledon. Who gives a flying fuck.... Teresa Heinz, the Ketchup Queen is critically ill. Rumor has it she tried to overdose on ketchup. FUGHGETABOUTIT

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