Friday, December 6, 2013


A teen was arrested for stealing parts from the crash site of Paul Walkers accident. Listen I don't think Paul Walker has any use for them do you?? It appears the Stock Market is up on news that 200,000 worthless part time jobs were created. This means 200,000 people are now making 7.25 an hour for less than 32 hours. After they sign up for Obamacare their take home pay will be a negative 480.00. Yup it appears the economy is headed in the right direction. Workers at McDonalds are demanding 15 bucks per hour. Wow, 15.00 bucks to say would you like fries with that or Te gustaria papas fritas con eso. Former CEO of Tyco Dennis Kozlowski will be released from prison after serving 8 years for stealing 134 million. When asked what he will do he said " Spend the 134 million I stole" Let's break it down, thats 16.75 mil for every year served. Some asshole paid 197 G's for the handwriiten lyric sheet to Springsteens " Born to Run" I guess that old saying is true " One man's garbage is another man's gold". Springsteen SUCKS. Playboy is heading into its 60th year, I only buy it to read the articles. With all the porn on the internet who the fuck buys Playboy. Robinson Cano wants to extort 300 million for a 10 year contract from the Yankees. Isn't extortion illegal? Cano's dad said it appears the Yankees don't want Robbie. The Yankees said he will be 65 when his contract ends or 90 in latin years. Robbie go play in Seattle it has a very high suicide rate. Enuf said.

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