Thursday, December 19, 2013


Do old people sitting on the couch at night watching T.V. realize they are getting old. The answer is yesss and you know why? commercials for Lyrica, Humira, Warfin, RectiCare and Cialis were holding their interest. I guess eating those mallomars with a glass of milk every night brought on their diabetes so the Lyrica will help ease the tingling they get on the bottom of my feet. The arthritis in the back bothers them everytime they go to stand up so its time for the Humira. they can't afford to retire so everytime they think about that they get Afib you know a symptom not brought on by a heart valve problem so I better order up some Warfrin. Well do I have to explain why they need RectiCare. No stupid thats not why. the seniors have been fucked over so many times I guess this will help ease the pain. This cream alarms me because it also says for other rectal disorders. What other rectal disorders are they talking about. Lets face it because of the diabetes from the mallomars they can't get a boner, hence they need the Cialis. You really don't think they are giving up the mallomars do you. My only hope is when they signed up for Obamacare the application actually was processed. If not they am back on the couch shaking their feet to get the tingling out, rubbing blu/emu on their back, feeling their heart skip a beat, scratching their ass while trying to get a boner. FUGHGETABOUTIT

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