Tuesday, October 1, 2013


What up with Antrel Rolle ? this guy took too many shots to the head ( no not the Aaaron Hernandez kind of shot ). This dillusional nit wit says the Giants will win their next 12 starts. Huh, Duh, What??? You fucking guys can't win one in a row and this week you play the Eagles,oy veyyyyy don't laugh, at least they have won 1 fucking game this year. Well you are in a division that isn't exactly the creme de le creme of football. The first place team is 2 and 2 with a quarterback that used to bang a Simpson. Tom Coughlin challenged Victor Cruz to a fight after that trouncing they took on Sunday from the Kansas City Cheaps. Wish the cameras where rolling, because I would love to see Coughlin lying flat on his back. Hey Tom, wanna go for a cab ride like your brother did...get it????? Eli Manning the anti Peyton seems to have what they call the Sanchez disease. He can't throw the ball to someone on the same team or just plain can't throw the fucking ball. So now the Giants are looking for Coughlins replacement and may fire him before he becomes unhinged and walks into MetLifeless Stadium with an AR-15. Rex Ryan may be available by this seasons end. So this Sunday tune into Channel 5 at 1:00 P.M. grab a few beers and the Glock 9 and by the end of the first quarter you should will either have killed yourself or shot your T.V. Just do me a favor, take that Giant butt boy Mike Francesca with you. Listen when your in last place there ain't any place to go but 0 and 16

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