Monday, January 27, 2014


Daft Punk won for the best pop duo group performance. I actually thought they were the cast from Star Wars. Tony Bennett was overheard saying they suck and did you know it was out fault that the terrorist flew those planes in the Trade Towers. What doesn't somebody wack this old fool. Ryan Lewis and Macklemore won for best rap so when two white guys that look gayer than Elton John got up to accept I was shocked. Jay Z was overheard saying,"I HATE WHITE PEOPLE". A female impersonator was at the Grammys with Ringo Starr and by the way i have never seen ears as big as ringos or was that really Paul McCartney sitting on his head. Sir Paul won for best rock song " Cut me Some Slack" REALLY. Hey Paul go back to England and bang that wife of yours whose father owns New England Motor Freight. Taylor Swift didn't win anything, I guess the Grammys finally got it right,although she is a piece of ass i have to say. Who wants to be the next one to bang the shit out of her so she can right a song about you. Jay Z and Beyonce opened with " Drunk in Love" after that performance I just wish I was drunk and stoned. Pink sang " Try " while suspended above the audience i had to take 2 xanex because i was picturing her falling on stevie wonders head and killing this fuckin guy and my eyes were fixated on her feet. This bitch has got the ugliest feet I have ever seen. I didn't know at first if it was Pink or Cirques Soleil was performing. The Grammys dragged out every old washed up act they could find. Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder and Sir Paul. They invited Frank Sinatra but he had a prior engagement in Vegas with Dean Martin and Sammy Davis. I didn't know you could fit so many freaks on one stage. Just think this was the 56th Grammy Awards. 56 years ago Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Rosemary Clooney and The Ames Brothers were accepting awards. Aah the good old days or were they. That was when they were freaks but nobody was allowed to know.

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